Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hurricane Irene photos at last!

We did get hit pretty hard with wind, but never lost power at our house. Two streets over (and actually, the next street over) lost power for three days. My mom 15 mins away, lost power for almost a week. We had her in to our house every other day (she babysat my grandson) so she had power/phone/bathroom facilities. I'll post some photos that I took after the storm went through...Lee & I just walked a few miles to see our daughter, Amber (they lost power for a few days)...

This is the tree on Center Street that we heard come down...

This is how my hubby decided to divert the water that usually comes into the garage....Notice the mini sandbags at the right side of the garage door? The bottom of the garage door is pretty muddy, but it won't stay clean so I gave up long ago....LOL.

This was our back yard.... lots of leaves everywhere, but not a tree down. Good thing since we have so many of them back there....

This tree snapped in half (it's trunk is on the far left of the photo). It was up the road from our house although the swish and the 'thunk' Lee & I heard may have been behind our back yard (see the above photo).
This branch feel from a really tall tree at the elementary school at the end of our street.
This was a a street a few blocks away. They hadn't had power for two days. (Boy, were WE lucky)
These were more on the streets surrounding us...

This is the tree that cut off my daughter Amber's power... it was across the street from her house. 

This one was on my way home from work. They were in the process of cleaning it up.
We had half power all week at work, so a few of our machines in my two depts. didn't work... All in all we faired well.

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