I think my posts are getting weirder and weirder.... at least the titles are.
I told my oldest daughter that I'd love to make the favors for her upcoming wedding, so she said.... 'ok.... can you make mini whoopie pies?'

Batch 1: was a half recipe of my mom's (mixed it by hand), but I used crisco sticks instead of soft shortening. (I think the sticks were kinda old- didn't like the musty smell, but it didn't have a date on it, so I used it.-- I'm sure I won't like it, but we'll try it). They came out REALLY flat! I don't remember my mom's being flat, so that could be due to the 'off' shortening.
Filling A & B: My mom's was filling A (it never makes much, so I made a whole recipe of filling), and I made half of Moody's filling for B (I mixed it all together at once- just seemed like a lot of filling).
Filled half of pies with each filling and marked the saran wrap 1A and 1B.
Batch 2: Made full recipe of mom's batter (mixed it by hand), but used something new this time. There is a mixture in a jar called Lighter Bake by Sunsweet. It's made from puree of dried plums and dried apples. Supposed to be non-fat (use instead of shortening). Smelled okay, but the (still) flat pie tasted a little like prunes. And they were 'stickier/tackier' on the top of the pie... it didn't seem like they dried. But, hey, this is no-fat!! Isn't that a plus? Okay, these get frozen for a week, then I'll deliver them for the taste tests.
I'm also conscious of the fact that Leslie wants them about 2"... see, I'm measuring to get a feel for them.(These are the flat ones).
Anyway, the third batch was made strictly by Moody's. Their batter and their filling. Only this time, I made them according to THEIR directions... as in, use an electric beater!! Okay, yes, ... that DID make a difference. The batter was stiffer and fluffier (think mousse), and the filling was stiffer and fluffier...I figured how much was made (about 60 complete pies from a full recipe). I still had some filling from Moody's from the batches 1 & 2, so I used that, then considered the 'whipped' filling B-C. I'm sure these will be the ones they pick.
Okay.... now, onto dresses for the wedding.
You must understand... I HATE CLOTHES/SHOE SHOPPING!!!!!!
Okay, now that I got that out of my system, I DID make an attempt to 'look' for a dress, because my daughter-in-law, Diana, was appalled that I hadn't by now. (Mind you, I wasn't appalled. Just her. But it made me feel guilty). I went into two stores (NOT bridal stores!! because they are too matronly-- mother of the bride looking and I'm not like that. I'm funkier).

I can completely relate to the dress shopping. Jeans and t-shirts for me. My DD is getting married in June. I have looked once and tried on one dress. Still nothing bought. I think I have two months right? Maybe one will just show up at my door. LOL!
Oh, Jackie, THANK YOU for making me aware I'm not the only one in the world who hates that stuff!! (ps. the only way one will show up at your door is if you cut a lock of your hair and hand feed it to dragons... or some such nonsense. lol)
Hhmm yummy, your chocolate pie looks really tasty! I'm thinking of taking baking classes and to find out the joys in making sweet treats for my family. As for shopping, I don't have much luck with that too so that's why I mostly go shopping online for my Chicos clothes!
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