Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quilt Bingo Mtg

Our Peace by Piece Quilters met for our last mtg of the year... I decided to have some fun. We all were to make 'bingo cards' from 2.5" squares (10.5" block). I brought dessert and prizes and we really did have a fun time. A baby quilt kit was the grand prize for covering the whole card and was won by Margaret M (and she had a baby in the family to make it for).
We did cut batting for a few of our new tops that have been made and some were taken home for members to put together. Not sure how much will get done, with everyone being busy this month. I have only put together a couple using the envelope-style method, and of course, it didn't work very well. I didn't catch all the edges and turned it inside out (several times) and darned if I didn't catch enough AGAIN! I took it home and while watching Survivor, I ripped it all out. I'll reposition it and try again. Or maybe just SITD and bind it.

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