Of course there is always the annual St Mary's Angels that get made and I always buy one for each of the girls for their families. I got a red, purple and blue angel.
The baked goods are wonderful, and I had to laugh this year when someone called to see if I'd make cookies for their assorted cookie tins to be filled, I turned them down... Don't they understand, it's my job to PAY for the cookies since I haven't had time to make them in years. They know by now to put aside at least $25 for cookies and I'll add to it when I get there...LOL (silly women)....

A staple for the past couple of years has been the Priest-in-charge, Paul Briggs and his son Caleb at the "Cheese Factory". cutting Cabot cheese from the wheel. Of course, I caught young Caleb 'resting' in-between the couches in a side room at the end of the day!
I had to take my mom home, but I came back for the raffle baskets drawing and ... Hey, WE won!! One of the BIG ones!! The only problem is, mom and I bought tickets (under her name) and we split them-- only I took both sets of our half of the tickets and forgot to mark them, so I don't know whether it was HER ticket or mine that won.... I'll have to ask her when I drop it off. ( I should have asked to look at the ticket, since I always bend mine in half) All and all.... a wonderful time was had by all. For more photos of the day, click this post's title.
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