Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Fair in New England

Our church had a Christmas Fair today... and I had to check it out. They had the most amazing baskets that were donated and put together by members of the parish. Here are just some of them.

Of course there is always the annual St Mary's Angels that get made and I always buy one for each of the girls for their families. I got a red, purple and blue angel.

The baked goods are wonderful, and I had to laugh this year when someone called to see if I'd make cookies for their assorted cookie tins to be filled, I turned them down... Don't they understand, it's my job to PAY for the cookies since I haven't had time to make them in years. They know by now to put aside at least $25 for cookies and I'll add to it when I get there...LOL (silly women)....
They even had some interesting vendors and tables set up to sell different items, some made by women in Africa,
Crocheted items lovingly put together (too bad, I needed 'boy' colors for mittens!) and a potter that had very unique tiems!
They even had a 'brunch/lunch' set up in the Sunday school rooms (that's me and my mom enjoying the chili/carnbread and the corn chowder...the brownie and ice cream wasn't bad either).

A staple for the past couple of years has been the Priest-in-charge, Paul Briggs and his son Caleb at the "Cheese Factory". cutting Cabot cheese from the wheel.  Of course, I caught young Caleb 'resting' in-between the couches in a side room at the end of the day!

I had to take my mom home, but I came back for the raffle baskets drawing and ... Hey, WE won!! One of the BIG ones!! The only problem is, mom and I bought tickets (under her name) and we split them-- only I took both sets of our half of the tickets and forgot to mark them, so I don't know whether it was HER ticket or mine that won.... I'll have to ask her when I drop it off. ( I should have asked to look at the ticket, since I always bend mine in half)  All and all.... a wonderful time was had by all. For more photos of the day, click this post's title.

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