Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Our Geisha Quilt is Accepted!!

I just had to share the news that our geisha quilt has been accepted into the MQX show!!!!! I am so excited for us. Machine Quilters Exposition, LLC (MQX) is an annual machine quilting show and conference founded by machine quilters, Janet-Lee Santeusanio and Mary Schilke.
This quilt was a challenge to all the chapters in our local quild. Our quilt had to be worked on by 7 or more members, and we started with a 'geisha girl ' panel. Thirteen chapters each worked on their own panels for this challenge in our guild (Greater Hartford Quilt Guild
I, personally, worked on the quilt. This is sooo foreign for me to participate in something like this, never feeling as if I'm 'worthy a quilter' to work with the 'professionals'. I put the section at the top (from the Chinese lanterns/purple squares up to the top border. I also added the red border down the side, but it was taken off to make it fit the required dimensions by the last quilter who worked on it. Here are some of the other entries which were shown at our Annual Gathering in October 2007.
Sorry this is out of focus...and this one, above right, was sooo cool. It was like a stuffed statue.

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